Booking Office
Tel. 011 5623719 - fax 011 5624695
Thursday to Friday, 10.00 to 13.00

Reservation for groups is compulsory and must be made to the phone numbers given above or on-line.

Any cancellations must be notified by fax or email at the number/address given above.

Guided Tours
It is possible to book group guided tours, for a maximum of 30 people for each group, in Italian, English, French, Spanish and German.

Guided tours in Italian: € 95,00 per group, plus one concession ticket per each group member
Guided tour in foreign languages: € 115,00 per group, plus one concession ticket per each group member

In addition to the standard guided tour, it is possible to book tours with specific themes:
- I grandi personaggi del Risorgimento
- Verso la Grande guerra
- I processi di nazionalità in Europa
- Il grande tema delle costituzioni

Telephone +39 011 5621147 Fax +39 011 5624695